Shariah Gold Locker

In Grams

Invested Amount
₹ {{GoldStats.totalGold_InvestedAmount}}

Current Value
₹ {{GoldStats.totalGold_CurrentValue}}

Percentage Growth

₹ {{LiveRates.UserGoldRate}} /gm
Gold corresponding to every purchase you make is stored in world-class vaults.
In Partnership with
Start Saving with SIP
Regular Gold SavingsQuick Purchase
Start Saving Now (24k 99.99% Purity)
Recent Transaction History
Date | Particulars | Gold Amount | Status | Invoice |
{{item.ts}} | Purchased {{item.gold_Amount}} grams of 24K gold for ₹{{item.pre_Gst_Buy_Price}} at ₹{{item.rate}}/gm (Incl. GST of ₹{{item.gst_Amount}}) Sold {{item.gold_Amount}} grams of 24K gold for ₹{{item.sell_Price}} at ₹{{item.rate}}/gm (UTR: {{item.tx_Id}}) Ordered a {{item.sku_type}} of {{item.gold_Amount}} grams 24K gold for delivery (Paid making charge of ₹{{item.deliveryCharges}}) Track | + {{item.gold_Amount}} gm - {{item.gold_Amount}} gm | Success |
Invest in 24K Shariah Compliant Real Gold
99.99% Pure Gold
Unlike local Gold Jewelry vendors, with Islamicly 24K Real Gold, you directly buy from the manufacturer and save on Gold Prices.
Low-Risk Investment
Digital does not require to invest a large sum of money. You can invest based on your budget.
Safe & Secure
Unlike physical gold, you don’t have to worry about theft or expensive locker fees. You gold is stored in bank-grade lockers free of cost.

Reach your Goals 5x Faster by Investing in SIP
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Buy Summary
₹ 7336.42 /gm
Gold quantity {{pay_Gold_Quantity}} gm
Gold value ₹ {{pay_Gold_Value}}
GST @ {{LiveRates.applicable_tax}}% ₹ {{pay_Gold_GST_Value}}
Amount payable ₹ {{pay_Gold_PayableAmount}}
Savings Zone
- With UPI Payment Enabled ₹ {{pay_Gold_MakingCharge}} ₹ 0
- Making Charges {{LiveRates.making_charge}}% ₹ {{pay_Gold_MakingCharge}} ₹ 0
- jeweller commissions {{LiveRates.commission}}% ₹ {{pay_Gold_JewelCommission}} ₹ 0
0.0321 grams of Gold has been bought.